Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lesson 12

Lesson 13: Friction

Learning Objective

Analysing friction.

Syllabus Correlations

· Theme: Investigating force and energy.

· Learning Area: Force

· Learning Objective: Analysing friction.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

· state that friction is a type of force;

· conclude that friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact.

Concept(s) Introduced:

· friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact

Skills Covered:

· Observing, classifying, making inferences, interpreting data, making conclusions, comparing and contrasting.

Vocabulary/ New Words:

· Contacts, rubs against, friction, slide a book, short distance, slow down, brake, applied, grip, vibrate, noise pollution, irritating.

Value(s) Incorporated:

· Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.

· Being diligent and persevering.

· Realising that science is a means to understand nature.

· Thinking rationally

Materials Needed:

- coin, book, knife and sharpening stone, sharpener and pencil.

Point(s) to Note:

- friction happens in many activities of our life.

· Realising that science is a means to understand nature.

· Thinking rationally

Teaching Strategies

Set Induction

Teacher plays the Introduction component. Teacher gives the concept of friction use carom game board; explain when we slide a carom disk, two surfaces in contact rises the friction. Ask pupils about how to light a lighter. Use the ancient people’s way to rub the stick against the block to make fire as examples of friction. Allow pupils to give some other examples of friction.

Component: Introduction

Step 1

Teacher uses the two video clips: slide the coin over the surface of table and slide the book on a surface. Teacher can ask pupil to identify the two surfaces that are in contact: table and the coin, table and the book. Teacher emphasise that the friction is a kind of force, it can not be seen but it opposes the motion of object or make the object stop. Play the video of a car brake, teacher remember to emphasise that friction occurs on the two surfaces that is in contact. Teacher gives the two examples in our daily life that encounter friction: push a car and sharpen a knife use sharpening stone. Ask pupils why it is difficult to push a car; why we need to use the sharpening stone to sharpen a knife. By doing these, the pupils can get the concept of friction.

Component: Content 1

Step 2

In this activity, pupils need to rearrange the anagram to get the answer in the shortest possible time. This activity is game based. It covers all learning outcomes.

Component: Activity

Step 3

There are five questions in this component cover the learning outcomes. For Questions 1 to 3, allow pupils choose the correct answers for the objective questions. Q4 contains of drag and drop, pupils need to drag and drop the correct answers for the questions appeared. Q5 consists of true or false questions. Pupils need to identify whether the statements are true or false.

Teacher can use the evaluation that will assess the pupils’ understanding of the lesson.

Component: Evaluation

Step 4

Teacher plays the Extension component concerning noise pollution. Guide pupils to understand that friction can produce sound. Guitar and violin uses friction to produce sounds. But when the sound is too loud or too much, it results in noise pollution and irritates others. Ask pupils to be careful on producing these types of noise.

Component: Extension


Teacher concludes the lesson by playing this component to further reinforce understanding of the lesson. Teacher asks pupils to state that friction is a type of force and conclude that friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact. Prompt pupils to explain these two concepts.

Component: Summary

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