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Friday, 30 September 2011

Thursday, 29 September 2011
Activity Sheet : Lesson 2
Name: |
Year: |
Date: |
Choose True or False for the statements below.
1. Many animals live in groups. Examples are zebras and ants.
True False
2. All animals live in groups.
True False
3. Animals live in groups for safety and food.
True False
4. Examples of animals that live in groups are sheep, goats, buffaloes and
True False
5. Some animals live in small family groups, for example wolf and lion.
True False
6. Animals that live together help each other to hunt for food.
True False
7. Bees are an example of animals that live in small family groups.
True False
8. Some animals such as ants live in solitary.
True False
Lesson 2: Animals That Live In Group
Lesson 2: Animals That Live In Group |
Learning Objective
Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary
Syllabus Correlations
· Theme: Investigating Living Things
· Learning Area: Interaction Among the Animals
· Learning Objective: Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
· state that some animals live in groups;
· give examples of animals that live in groups;
· explain why animals live in groups.
Concept(s) Introduced:
· Some animals live in groups;
· Animals that live in groups have some reasons.
Skills Covered:
· Observing, classifying, making inferences, interpreting data, making conclusions, comparing and contrasting.
Vocabulary/ New Words:
· Safety, defending, territory, cooperate.
Value(s) Incorporated:
· Having an interest in and curiosity about the environment.
· Being diligent and persevering.
· Realising that science is a means to understand nature.
· Thinking rationally
Materials Needed:
Point(s) to Note:
Teaching Strategies | |
Set Induction | |
Play the introduction component. Guide pupils to give examples of animals that live in jungle. Some of these animals live in solitary; some of them live in groups. Explain live in solitary means live alone. Prompt pupils to give reasons why some animals prefer live in group but others live in solitary. Accept all the answers.
Component: Introduction
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Step 1 | |
Play the Content component. Guide pupils to understand types of animals that live in groups. These animals live together in their habitat. Prompt the pupils to name other animals that live in groups.
Component : Content 1
Teacher show a video concerning animals live in small family groups. Examples of lions that consists of few members. But other animals such as bees, ants and termites have thousands to millions of members. Guide pupils to give other similar examples of animals that live in small family groups. Encourage pupils to name other animals that live in big family groups.
Component: Content 2
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Step 2 | |
Step 3 | |
In this activity, there are 8 questions to answer by the pupils. Pupils need to spin the wheel to get a question. Pupils have to choose true or false for the questions display. If pupils get the answer correctly, he will be awarded 10 points. Pupils are given 15 seconds to answer each question. This activity is game based. It covers all learning outcomes.
Component: Activity
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Step 4 | |
There are five questions in this component covering the learning outcomes. For Questions 1 to 3 are objective questions. Q4 is identifying the animas that live in groups. Pupils choose the correct answer by clicking the correct circle. Q5 is a drag and drop activity. Pupils drag and drop the correct answers for the questions. Teacher can use evaluation sheet to assess the pupils’ understanding on this lesson.
Component: Evaluation
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Step 5 | |
Play a video about group behaviours of animals. When a bird sees one of its own groups, it will get near that bird. But if bird gets close to a different type of bird, it will attack it. Teacher explains to pupils same species live together, but difference species cannot live together.
Component: Extension
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Conclusion | |
Conclude the lesson by playing this component to further reinforce understanding of the lesson. Prompt pupils to state the animals live in groups; give examples of animals that live in groups and explain why animals live in groups.
Component : Summary |
Lesson 1: Interaction Among Living Things ( YEAR 6 )
Lesson 1: Interaction Among Living Things |
Learning Objective
Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary
Syllabus Correlations
· Theme: Investigating Living Things
· Learning Area: Interaction Among the Animals
· Learning Objective: Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary
Learning Outcome:
Pupils will go through an overview of how animals live and plants grow in different habitats and their interaction.
Concept(s) Introduced:
· Plants and animals interact with one another;
· Plants and animals interact with the environment.
Skills Covered:
· Observing, classifying, making inferences, interpreting data, making conclusions, comparing and contrasting.
Vocabulary/ New Words:
· Temperature, amount, food, air, water, solitary, groups, predators, prey.
Value(s) Incorporated:
· Having an interest in and curiosity about the environment.
· Being diligent and persevering.
· Realising that science is a means to understand nature.
· Thinking rationally
Materials Needed:
Point(s) to Note:
Teaching Strategies | |
Set Induction |
Play a video related to habitats. Pause the video for a while. Encourage pupils to give other examples of habitats. Teacher shows some pictures of habitats, Ask pupils to give examples of animals living in these habitats. Ask pupils why animals live in these habitats. Teacher relates difference animals live in difference habitats.
Step 1 |
Teacher guides pupils to give examples of basic needs of animals. Give some examples of animals such as lion, squirrel and frog; ask pupils the needs of these examples and relate the basic needs of animals can be fulfil by the habitats they live. Divide the pupils into two groups and gather information on the habitats they live and basic needs of these animals. Encourage pupils to list some examples that related to habitat and animals live in these particular habitats. State reasons why habitat that is suitable for one animal may no t be suitable for another. Teacher gives some factors that affect the survival of the animals living in this habitat. Prompt pupils to give examples of animals that require some particular of living condition such as temperature, amount of food, air and water.
Component: Content
Step 2 |
Teacher plays a video relate to animals in solitary and groups. Ask pupils why some animals live in solitary and some live in groups. Guide pupils to have some idea on what animals do in their habitat.
Component: Content
Step 3 | Pupils watch a video how lion catch zebra and eaten the zebra. Based on video, guide the pupils to understand predators and preys. Encourage pupils to give other examples of predators and preys.
Component: Content
Step 4 | Pupils watch a video on the interaction among plants. Based on the video, teacher shows some plants taller than other plants, some plants grow on the ground. Teacher pause video for a while and ask pupils to give reasons why do trees have different heights. Teacher shows picture of staghorn fern and langsuyar plant. Tell pupils both plants grow on the branch of a big tree. Ask pupils why these plants live on the branch of the big trees. Encourage pupils to give some other examples of plants that live on the branch of the big trees. Teacher concludes that in the following lessons, class will learn more about interaction among animals and plants.
Component: Content
Conclusion |
Pupils watch a video on the interaction among plants. Guide the pupils to answer the questions given on the video.
Component : Content